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Blogsaya xtgem mau berbagi niech
Bagai mana cara membuat table mysql melalui halaman php tanpa harus login phpmyadmin istilah nya ya
Cara membuat Table Mysql Tanpa Login Ke PHPmyAdmin nah langkah pertama anda harus buat koneksi terlebih dulu silah kan baca
DISINIJika File Untuk membuat koneksi seperti yang saya sarankan di atas berikut cara membuat table sql nya.. Simak berikut ini
1. Buat
file baru berinama sql.php
lalu langsung copy code di bawah ini dan masukan kedalam file baru di atas bernama
//include file koneksi.php seperti yang saya saran kan di atas yaitu buat file koneksi nya
//perintah untuk membuat table
$buat = mysql_query("create table contoh (id int(2) not null auto_increment,
nama varchar(20) not null,
pass varchar(25) not null,
email varchar(30) not null,
primary key(id))");
if(!$buat) {
echo'selamat table bernama contoh berhasil di buat';
Nah yang terakhir untuk meng optimalkan pembuatan table sql nya silahkan kunjungi semoga bermanfaat karena lagi males nge blog, ane akhiri dulu post nya ya,. Thank you sobat, happy coding
wassalamu' alaikum wr wb
A simple and inlteeiglnt point, well made. Thanks!
Such a deep anserw! GD&RVVF
This post has helped me think things thguorh
Short, sweet, to the point, FRce-ExaEtly as information should be!
That's a smart answer to a dicflfuit question.
Thanky Thanky for all this good innfamrtioo!
Hey Marcus. I've watched all of these tlortiaus, and I noticed in this one that you don't explain to us how you made the grey box on the left, it can be seen to the left of all the replies. Could you please show us how you made it?Keep the PHP rockin' and take care!
That's an ingiueons way of thinking about it.
A couple of notes, saiitnze your request variables before pulling data directing into you code. Avoid using double quote for simple string echo as it is extra load on php parsing use single quote instead. Play with MVC type frameworks such as Zends framework to get familiar with design patterns. Nice tutorial for beginners but be warned, I had to fire a bunch of people recently who programmed like this go back to programming basics and learn popular framework methodologies.
You've impesesrd us all with that posting!
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What I find so inrtiesteng is you could never find this anywhere else.